Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sixth Sense

Can we ever thought of mapping physical gestures to digital? That is what exactly has done by Pranav Mistry. This is a brilliant thought, I had no words. To me he is one of the finest brains who make difference to the technology. I bet you will agree once you go through the below link.

Please visit this page

What is more impressing from him is, he is going to open source sixth sense. Believe me!!!

Also visit TED.com for remarkable people.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How to hook Yourkit Profiler to Netbeans 6.1 (or Latest IDES)

Further to my previous post on YourKit Profiler...

I am using Netbeans 6.1, when I tried hooking netbeans profiler by an option "Integrating with IDE" yourkit profiler did not allow me to do that. (Not sure why was that happening). Since I am using JDK 1.5, I struggled a bit and finally got it working. What I have done...

Step 1: Modified (netbeans installation)\etc\netbeans.conf Hotpsot options

netbeans_default_options="-Xrunyjpagent:help -J-Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=\"D:\JCAPS\JavaCAPS6\appserver\" -J-Dnetbeans.derby.system.home=\"D:\JCAPS\JavaCAPS6\.netbeans-derby\" -J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-Xmx512m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -J-Xverify:none -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true"

Step 2: From command line set an option

set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-agentlib:yjpagent

and run the netbeans. Now yours kit profiler option "Connect to locally running profiled application..." should help us profile our netbeans.

Hope this will give us an idea how to profile latest IDE versions with YourKit profiler.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Java Profiling with Yourkit

Recently I had an opportunity to profile one of EAI product. I was searching lot of profilers for the same, and found very useful and interesting profiler. What I have observed useful with this product are the below...

1. We can integrate any of the following IDE's Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, JBuilder, JDeveloper.
2. We can do CPU profiling which produces CPU views: hot spots, method call tree and method list.
3. We can also perform Memory Profiling.
4. We can profile for Threads and Deadlocks.
5. Apart from this this is very easy to use, it will display all the applications which ever is started by profiling option.

I suggest this product for a sensible and easy profiling.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Two can share the same screen

Can you imagine two users sharing the same screen!!!!!????
Left half is controlled by you with your mouse and your key board, and righ half is shared by your better half or your kid with her/his mouse and key board.

That's exactly the brilliant idea by Microsoft research team from bangalore. The team led by Udai Singh Pawar had done an excellent research and invented a way to make the innovative idea possible.

Further details visit here

Friday, August 3, 2007

Rhain Davis The Whiz Kids

He is a wonder kid, you got to see him the way he is dribbling and scoring goals. And that's the reason why Manchester United signed him. He is brilliant, quick, intelligent and yes too fast. May be I am not finding words to talk about him so better see this visual.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

$100 gadget

Interesting news to share with you all, mass production started for $100 laptops and they are very soon going to be with the school going children. Sources say by October 2007 we can have them. Check for more details here

Monday, July 23, 2007

Do we need discipline while developing a product?

Anybody who wants to develop a product should answer the below 3 questions to themselves.

1. Why do we need it?

2. What happens if doesn't exist?

3. Who are the takers?

Once answered all the above 3 questions we are convinced and made sure ourselves that why the product should be developed. Then to develop the product we need an elaborative and systematic plan of action, Product Life Cycle Management (PLCM) becomes an instrument to achieve this.

Every product is subjected to market actions!!! marketing management can deffinetly alter the shape of the product, in other words marketing management would drive the product to its destiny and product life cycle management will become an instrumentation to have a user friendly usable product.

Going through the product life cycle is of its kind. If we enjoy while doing the same, it gives us more fruits personally and for the product too. Especially when the whole team participates, involves in putting their efforts to revolutionarize the product. Ofcourse it is a painful process to produce documents and sitting in brain storming sessions, but that's the real fun to have.

Very first step in the Product Life Cycle is to gather the requirements, these requirements shouldn't be constrained / limited or shall not be derived keeping deadlines in view. And when we start gathering requirements for a particular product we need to keep in mind an end users perspective of using it. How an end user is going to use the product. If we can step into the shoes of the end user and productize to his / her needs then the job is accomplished.

Product LifeCycle provides the required discipline to achieve the same and restrict the developer not slipping towards someone's imagination, and will ensure the product is not to satisfy somebody's technical thirst. And the key thing one needs to think of always is that, the technology is only a means to provide a better / convenient way of giving usable solution to an end user.

I would like to discuss / share more on Product Life Cycle Management in further blogs.


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